Kenneth John Odle

Web Portfolio

February Github Challenge

I've set up a challenge for myself: commit something to Github at least once per day on at least fifteen separate days during the month of February. In other words, when I look at this summary on my Github page Half of those squares for February will be some shade of green, rather than plain grey. The point is not to code something every day (I do… Read more

GetSimple CMS Blogging Experiment

I love GetSimple because it's intuitive and therefore easy to learn for users who want a simple content management system. It's not WordPress, which is the default open source blogging platform for me. (Even more importantly, it's not Joomla or Drupal.) In order to use it as a blog, you need to use a plugin. The downside to using a plugin is that… Read more

Published on  Sunday 07 February 2016